CHZ Lighting - LED Street Light Manufacturer and LED Flood Light Factory Since 2013
Please let Shanghai CHZ Lighting Co.,Ltd know which method of transportation is to be taken. This is a consideration in different pricing. CFR (= Cost and Freight) is a term used strictly for goods transported by sea or inland waterways. When the sale is made CFR, the seller is required to arrange for the carriage of goods by sea. Under CFR, we do not have to procure marine insurance against the risk of loss or damage to outdoor lighting solutions during transit. You are expected to contact us first to ascertain the order quantity. Then you may be advised in choosing transportation method and quotation then will be made.
CHZ Lighting has been recognized as an expert of t8 led tube. We have expertise in product development and manufacture. The solar street light is one of the main products of CHZ Lighting. The manufacturing of CHZ led spotlight covers various process. The production process consists of pattern making, spreading, cutting, sewing and finishing. The overall die-casting metal body guarantees its robustness. CHZ Lighting is dedicated to serving customers with its experienced management team. The unique design of low current reduces the line loss.
Solar led street light is an internal driving force that boosts we’s ability to enhance its competitiveness. Please contact us!
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WHATSAPP :+86 159 2122 3752
Wechat: +86 159 2122 3752
Address : No.518, Xiangjiang Road,Shanghai, China