CHZ Lighting - LED Street Light Manufacturer and LED Flood Light Factory Since 2013
Store business hours as of January 2, 2019. The stores to withdraw before January 15, 2019. Warehouse out before January 31, 2019. It must be the electricity settlement of stores to withdraw. All the stores and warehouse the goods must be within the specified time out, such as fails to withdraw, thereby causing loss to the goods store is not responsible for, can't withdraw the goods store will dispose. Please go to the office for dealing with problems arising from related.
these are good lighting city in one hundred and qiu Lin group, the final results after repeated consultations, the mall in order to be able to continue operation has been the best efforts, we hope you can understand, give you inconvenience we apologize.
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WHATSAPP :+86 159 2122 3752
Wechat: +86 159 2122 3752
Address : No.518, Xiangjiang Road,Shanghai, China