
 CHZ Lighting -  LED Street Light Manufacturer and LED Flood Light Factory Since 2013

How does shadow affect the brightness and intensity of solar street lights?

Under normal circumstances, when we calculate the power generation, it is obtained based on the premise that the solar street light has no shadow at all. Therefore, if the solar cell cannot be directly illuminated by sunlight, only the scattered light is used to generate electricity, and the electricity generation at this time is about 10% to 20% less than that without shadow. In this case, we need to correct the theoretical calculation value. Usually, when there are objects such as buildings and mountains around the square array, after the sun comes out, there will be shadows around the buildings and mountains. Therefore, when choosing the place to lay the square array, try to avoid shadows. If it is impossible to avoid it, it should also be solved from the wiring method of the solar cell, so that the influence of the shadow on the power generation is minimized. In addition, if the square arrays are placed in front of and behind, and the distance between the rear square array and the front square array is close, the shadow of the front square array will affect the power generation of the rear square array. When the latitude is higher, the distance between the square arrays will increase, and the area of u200bu200bthe setting place will also increase accordingly. For the square matrix with anti-snow measures, the inclination angle is large, so the height of the square matrix is u200bu200bincreased. In order to avoid the influence of shadows, the distance between the squares is also increased accordingly. Usually, when arranging square arrays, the construction size of each square should be selected separately, and its height should be adjusted to an appropriate value, so as to use its height difference to adjust the distance between the squares to a minimum. For the specific solar cell array design, while the azimuth angle and the inclination angle are reasonably determined, comprehensive consideration should also be carried out to make the square array reach the best state. For details, please visit: www.chz-lighting.com.

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