CHZ Lighting - LED Street Light Manufacturer and LED Flood Light Factory Since 2013
We can provide the certificate of origin for Shanghai CHZ Lighting Co.,Ltd if required. The certificate of origin generally contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export. It is an important form because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible to import or whether goods are subject to duties. If you need the certificate of origin and have some special requirements, in case of any delivery delay, please notify us in advance, at lease before shipment. We may need some time to prepare the document.
CHZ Lighting is a supplier of solar street light. We have been serving long and still have managed to retain our position as a leader in this industry. The led tube is one of the main products of CHZ Lighting. This product is corrosion resistant. Its proper coating thickness protects it on the open air with a life cycle up to decades of years. The shape of the product will be changed according to the needs of the customers. Successful customer service communications and interactions are important to CHZ Lighting. The mounting type of this product is highly flexible.
Solar led street light is the soul of we's continuous development. Call!
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WHATSAPP :+86 159 2122 3752
Wechat: +86 159 2122 3752
Address : No.518, Xiangjiang Road,Shanghai, China